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70s invasion - Punk Girls ; JEZEBEL, THE GIRLS, MALARIA...

JEZEBEL released this 45 'Sweety / Chinese Dragon' around '80 - '81, they were an all girl belgian band, one viewer classifies them as minimal synth cold-wave

there was also a group of girls called the JEZEBELS aka THE SWITCHBLADE SISTERS, but that was another time and place, it was a film of which the reviews can be read on our page 9, nothing to do with these Jezebels here....

THE GIRLS 'Clap Clap / My Boy Has Left Me' 45, girl punk band from france, '81, powerpunk pop :)

there was also a girl punk band called the GUYS, they were from colorado, see our gateway 4 for reviews of unreleased music, + an interview....

Jesus Christ and his apostles may have used a cannabis-based anointing oil to help cure people with crippling diseases, it has been claimed. Researchers in the United States say the oil used in the early days of the Christian church contained a cannabis extract called kaneh-bosem.

They suggest the extract, which is absorbed into the body when placed on the skin, could have helped cure people with a variety of physical and mental problems.

The medical use of cannabis during that time is supported by archaeological records

Chris Bennet

The author of the article, published in the US drugs magazine High Times, says his findings are based on a study of scriptural texts.

The article does not question the validity of the miracles reported in the Bible but rather examines whether the early Christian Church may have made use of substances with an active medical effect.

see this link to read more ~

MALARIA - 'How Do You Like My New Dog ? / Pernod' 45, 81 German 1981 post-punk cold-wave, this might be a single released in belgium....